Modern lifestyle created a modern ways of getting and receiving information. One of the main sources of finding information is internet. People these days use social media for sharing and creating content. Therefore, it is important to understand how to estimate the quality and accuracy of different news sources. This fact increased the need to present media literacy. Learning about media literacy will help participants to become competent, critical and literate in all media forms so that they control the interpretation of what they see or hear rather than letting the interpretation control them. As a part of Media Literacy programme ‘Community News’ presents topics such as: fact vs opinion, ‘real news’ vs Fake news’, detecting misinformation and propaganda, what is news, medium literacy – print vs audio vs video, online security etc. Also, this programme offers participants to participate in team work in order to produce their own print/audio/video news stories and gain interview skills, online research skills, communication skills, presentation skills and critical thinking skills.